10 Gaming Franchises That Desperately Need A Reboot

8. Dino Crisis

Jet Set Radio

I'm still trying to understand what Capcom was thinking when developing Dino Crisis 3. Released around the same time as Resident Evil, Dino Crisis shared a lot of the same mechanics of Capcom's most popular franchise in the beginning. Both were staples in the survival-horror genre, but instead of fighting zombies, you were battling deadly dinosaurs on an infested island.

The game was popular enough to warrant a sequel, which was both critically-acclaimed by critics and gamers, so what happened?

Well, the ending of Dino Crisis 2 set up a cliffhanger, leaving players in anticipation on whether their favorite character survived or not. But then Dino Crisis 3 abandoned this idea for a completely new, futuristic storyline in the year 2548, with all-new characters and plot.

This was not received well by anyone.

With frustrating combat and an annoying camera to boot, this quickly sealed the franchise's fate before it had any chance to bloom. However, if Resident Evil can come back from the beyond with Resident Evil 7, why can't Dino Crisis?

The idea of being trapped on an island with genetically-modified dinosaurs just screams potential with everything that's been done in the survival-horror genre.

Someone tell Capcom to sign this off and keep going.

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Jet Set Radio
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