10 Gaming Moments Everyone Wishes They Could Unsee
1. Lymle's Nappy Time - Star Ocean: The Last Hope

And this list wraps up with another JRPG gem now, in Star Ocean: The Last Hope.
While a generally solid game, fans are still trying to forget the infamous "nappy time" cutscene, in which protagonist Edge has a skin-crawlingly uncomfortable interaction with the young party member Lymle.
When Edge approaches a tired Lymle and tells her to go to bed, she touches his arm and retorts with, "Edgy, I wanna take nappy time with you, 'kay?"
A baffled and visibly unsettled Edge barely has time to process this before Lymle adds, "Grandpa would always take nappy time with me, 'kay?," and basically guilt-trips Edge into sitting with her while she falls asleep on him.
Lymle is then woken up by the other characters moving around the area and when Faize tells her to go to bed and stop bothering Edge, she replies that it's "none of [his] beeswax," before reiterating that she wants to "take nappy time with Edgy."
Lymle eventually agrees to sleep alone after Faize continues to call her a baby.
This scene is simply an absolute car crash of writing and performance: the dialogue would sound weird and creepy were it delivered by the best voice actor on the planet, but the narcotised, droning performance from Lymle's voice actress just makes the scene even more unnerving and "off."