10 Gaming Myths You Won't Believe People Actually Buy Into

2. Pong Was The First Commercial Video Game

Pong This is a misnomer that the majority of people believe, but in fact Pong was not the first commercially available game. Sure, it's incredibly basic and your Dad still thinks he's the grand master of it, but Ted Dabney and Nolan Bushnell's brainchild was preceded by another game: Computer Space. Computer Space holds the title of the first ever game to be commercially sold, pre-dating the Magnavox Odyssey by six months. In the game, which was based on the earlier Spacewar!, the player controlled a rocket ship that used its thrusters to get around the screen and its blasters to destroy a pair of flying saucers that were all up in your business. Unfortunately for Computer Space, Pong took hold of the limelight and devoured every coin the banks could produce.

Comic book enthusiast, roleplaying game nerd and sci-fi obsessive. Scott is often found chugging coffee and listening to music your parents would disapprove of. Follow his Twitter on @scottmalt or email scott.malthouse87[at]gmail.com.