4. Alien: Isolation Is...Another Terrible Alien Game
Gamers and Alien fans alike were uncontrollably stung last year when Aliens: Colonial Marines reached our shores and was one of the year's most disappointing games. Far from the intense skirmish against the Xenomorphs that it should have been, the game was mired by awful AI, dodgy visuals and an almost complete lack of tension. At the start of January, however, a trailer was released for Alien: Isolation, a new first-person survival horror game which puts players in the shoes of Ellen Ripley's daughter Amanda, who searches a space station for her mother, and comes face to face with a Xenomorph. As impressively claustrophobic as the game looks, I just can't get behind it after how horribly we were all burned by Colonial Marines. Developers The Creative Assembly are known more for their strategy games than suspense and horror, so while the game may look the part, I suspect it will thoroughly underwhelm when the final product hits in late 2014.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.