10 Gaming Villains We Secretly Wanted To Beat Us

9. Zeus (God Of War 3)

There can be no denying that controlling Kratos in the God of War series of games is an incredibly fun experience. We have been cleaving our way through some of the most awesome animated monsters of Greek Myth since 2005. However, isn€™t all the hacking, cleaving and maiming starting to get a bit much? Did you really have to kill that Minotaur by stabbing it in the eye with its own horn, Kratos? Probably not. A gory kill every now and then is wonderful, but when it€™s seemingly all a game€™s protagonist knows, it starts to become hard to root for them. With about as much self-awareness and charisma as the corpse of a Cyclops he€™s mutilated, Kratos isn€™t really in the best position to change our minds Zeus €“ the father of Kratos €“ is no saint himself (well, he€™s a God actually) but in the showdown he has with his zealous son at the end of God of War III, we secretly thought that for humanity€™s sake it would be better if the Ghost of Sparta was finally put down.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.