10 Genius Shortcuts To Beat Video Games Early

2. Do Nothing - Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 Ending.jpg

Far Cry 4 famously featured a secret early ending where the player could roll credits on their "adventure" by simply sitting around and doing nothing for about 13 minutes, after which the villainous Pagan Min would return, allow the player to scatter their mother's ashes and take them out to shoot some guns. The End, all inside of a cosy 20-ish minutes.

The popularity of the ending prompted Ubisoft to repeat the trick for the recent fifth game, and in Far Cry 5, players are offered the opportunity to get the job done in just half that time.

In the game's opening sequence, the player raids cult leader Joseph Seed's compound and is instructed to place Seed in handcuffs.

However, if you do nothing for around 90 seconds, your partner Whitehorse will whisk you away from the compound, fearing that arresting Seed will inevitably lead to all your deaths.

Hilariously, your colleague Burke loudly protests, as if recognising the absurdity of suddenly turning on a dime and bailing out, moments before the end credits roll.

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Far Cry 5
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.