10 Genius Shortcuts To Beat Video Games Early

7. Take The Coward's Way Out - The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable
Galactic Cafe

Indie "walking simulator" The Stanley Parable is a game concerned entirely with choice and free will, passing commentary on the nature of video games themselves in the process.

As the player walks around their drab office environment, they're accompanied by a velvet-voiced narrator whose instructions they can either comply with or ignore.

As a result, players are able to seek out a grand total of 19 different endings, but if that just sounds like a whole load of hassle, you can reach the credits inside of a cool minute by just...closing the door to your office rather than venturing out into the inviting open-plan main office.

Doing so will trigger a final narration where the narrator dryly notes Stanley's inability to work under pressure or accept responsibility, while deeming him "happy" as he waits in his cubicle for answers that may never come. And we cut to black.

You'd be doing yourself and the game a major disservice by stopping there, of course, but it's actually a relatively easy ending to stumble upon accidentally.

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Far Cry 5
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.