10 Genius Shortcuts To Beat Video Games Early

6. Get Everyone Killed (On Purpose) - Detroit: Become Human

Detroit Become Human Kara.jpg
Quantic Dream

Quantic Dream has cornered the market on glossy "interactive drama" experiences, and like most of their output, the recent Detroit: Become Human allows players to reach the end of the game prematurely if they play badly enough.

The game's three playable characters can all meet grim fates if the player makes enough mistakes, allowing the roughly 12-hour experience to be beaten in as little as three or four.

First off, you can allow housekeeper android Kara to be beaten to death by Alice's father in just her second scene in the game, allowing you to bypass literally hours of intended gameplay in the process.

Later on, robot revolutionary Markus can have his storyline cut short by being killed in the Freedom March chapter, and you can get Connor killed permanently by failing crucial quick-time events.

These combined events will result in the android uprising being wiped out during the Battle for Detroit, delivering an almost unbearably depressing ending.

Thanks to the game's brilliant flowchart mechanic, though, there's plenty of incentive to go back and play the game as, you know, it's actually meant to be played.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.