10 Genius Video Game Easter Eggs You Need To See For Yourself

6. Hail Dopefish - Bombshell

Animal Crossing Resetti

As if this psuedo-serious game wasn’t already full of oddities (the RPG is called the P.M.S., for cryin’ out loud), a big, bucktooth fish is dubbed the true holy messiah by a group of crazy troops from the Earth Defence Force.

In the frozen planet Zerroth, you might stumble across a large wall of ice that is impervious to damage. Bullets, rockets, sword-slashes, plasma - nothing can seem to crack it open.

One of the numerous rivers of ice-cold water holds the key, in the form of a small frozen fish.

If you fry it in the furnace nearby, it will shatter the obstacle into fragments. Inside lies a small squad of soliders praising an over-sized Dopefish bobbing in the water. It’s quite an eyesore.

Dopefish is said to be the second-dumbest creature in the universe due to its primitive thought-pattern: “Swim. Swim. Hungry.” His favourite food is young heroes.

The beloved fish first starred in the side-scroller Commander Keen 4, and has since cameoed as an Easter egg in other great games like Deus Ex, Max Payne, Quake, and more.


Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.