10 Gimmick Bosses In Dark Souls

2. Deacon's Of The Deep - Dark Souls 3

Dark Souls Ancient wyvern

Found in the Cathedral of the Deep, this is another mob enemy where a horde of Deacons all rise once you enter the arena and slowly amble towards you. They're not very difficult they counter, as they do low damage and are easily distracted by alluring skulls, but you can still find yourself cursed if you don't pay close enough attention.

The gimmick is that a single deacon at a time will glow red, and only damaging that particular one will decrease their shared health bar. After each has been dispatched or enough time has passed, the red light will jump to the next enemy and the process repeats.

At half health, a final "boss" deacon spawns and only he needs to be attacked to finish them all off. Although he is surrounded by the larger variation of the mob enemies that can deflect you away with their force castings, for anyone at an appropriate soul or skill level, they should serve as nothing more than a speed bump.

While generally poorly received due to lack of difficulty and mob bosses being considered lazy in the series as a whole, this was compounded by the fact that players were expecting to face Aldrich here. A severe letdown.

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Dark Souls
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Matthew is a Marine Engineer to trade who writes sub-standard Scottish crime fiction in his spare time that can be found here:- https://mmacleodwriting.uk/ Originally brought up in the Western Isles of Scotland, he lived in Edinburgh for 18 years but now stay in Aberdeenshire with his partner, sons and dog.