10 Gods We Need To See In SMITE In 2021

2. Shiva

Pantheon: Hindu

Another member of the Hindu Trimurti, Shiva is the god of destruction and the lord of meditation, yoga, time and dance. In his specific Hindu tradition, Shaivism, he is the Supreme Being. Shiva is thought to have been inspired by tribal gods that were worshipped before the creation of the Hindu Vedas, some of the oldest texts in Hinduism.

Shiva is often depicted with blue or lilac coloured skin with four arms, similarly to Vishnu; however he has also be shown with only two arms in numerous depictions. He is said to live atop Mount Kailish in China, where he is said to practice yoga and meditation with his wife, Parvati, the goddess of creative power, marriage, love and children. Shiva and Parvati are also said to have two children, Ganesha and Kartikeya. Other depictions of Shiva portray him in a far more fierce light, showing him slaying demons.

This contrasting nature to Shiva’s character in Hinduism could create an interesting addition to SMITE, having the character play similarly to Hel by having him have an aggressive form and a defensive form. While Shiva is currently not featured in the game, his son Ganesha was added to the game in 2017. Of all the members of the Trimurti who deserve a spot on the roster, Shiva certainly tops the list.

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Hey, Darren here! I'm a Media enthusiast with a strong passion for Film and Video Games. I graduated from Plymouth University in 2019 with a degree in Digital Media Design, and now I am here writing articles.