10 Great Video Games That Are Way Too Short

2. Mirror's Edge - 6 Hours

Nemesis Resident Evil 3

Inspired by the chase sequences in the Bourne films and Casino Royale, Mirror's Edge was a unique first-person title when it released in 2008.

While balancing on tightrope-like cables, smashing through windows, and making breathtaking leaps of faith, players are sure to experience an immense sense of scale, awe, and freedom rarely felt in gaming. And because of the astounding PhysX lightning, jumping from building to building has never looked this beautiful.

But just as players are getting a handle on things, Mirror's Edge abruptly ends. This is irritating, since this skyscraper-hopping title introduces a dystopian world with intriguing themes, but rarely delves into them. A prolonged campaign could've allowed for more world-building and character development, giving fans a more comprehensive understanding of the game's environment

Another criticism Mirror's Edge suffered was how restrictive its level design was. By offering more options on how to reach the destination, it would've encouraged players to explore, significantly extending the playthrough and making the gameplay less tedious.

Because Mirror's Edge brevity was a common criticism, it would've been logical for DICE to make the sequel considerable longer. Sadly, Mirror's Edge Catalyst suffered the same problem, lasting no more than 10 hours.

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