10 Greatest Ever Levels In Hitman Video Games

Worth the (blood) money.

hitman best levels
IO Interactive

The frosty streets of St. Petersburg. The blood-soaked halls of a Romanian fetish party. The private manor house of a wealthy English family. The Hitman series has allowed players to explore various exciting locations across the globe in the shoes of the silent assassin known as 47. Some of the best levels, however, have often placed fans in tense scenarios with challenging twists, located within striking environments.

Some of the greatest missions offer players a much wider variety of opportunities to get the job done, without spoon-feeding too many blatantly obvious hints. 

See that open window? Perhaps you could snipe the target through there. Is the target enjoying a tasty meal or refreshing drink? A drop of poison will add a bit of kick to the flavour. What about those sewers? That could double as a shortcut and a great hiding place for corpses. 

Just like a big puzzle, the demand for tactical thinking within limited time always makes the experience a tense and memorable one.

Dust off your fiber wire, give your trusty Silverballer pistols a good polish, and get nostalgic with the top ten greatest levels in the entire Hitman series.

10. Invitation To A Party - Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

hitman best levels
IO Interactive

Some of the best levels take place in exclusive VIP gatherings, and Invitation to a Party is one such fancy shindig. After a series of assassinations against various Russian generals, one of them pops by the German Embassy to enjoy some champagne and classical music. 

Problem is, a Spetznaz agent is also there, and he's after a guidance system in a suitcase that 47 requires. It's a race against the clock.

This is a big level that offers various opportunities to get inside, whether you want to snag someone's invitation, plug a guard in the back of the head for his disguise, or just sneak in to the side entrances and pinch whatever goodies you can find. Since the general enjoys taking a stroll around the place (which works up his thirst for a tasty drink – hint, hint), this offers some handy opportunities to eliminate him and dump his corpse in the office.

But wait, what about the Spetznaz agent? This bloke loves to complicate things for you; he'll hold up the ambassador of the embassy at gunpoint so he can steal the briefcase with ease. Whether you whack him in the act or just acquire the safe code before then, is up to you. 

Thanks to the variety of options offered, it's safe to say that this is a party you do not want to miss.

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Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.