10 Greatest Ever Superhero Fighting Games

5. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2: New Age Of Heroes

XMen Children Of The Atom

Initially released in 2000 and available on everything from the Dreamcast to iOS, Marvel Vs Capcom 2 takes everything its predecessor (not to mention X-Men Vs Street Fighter) did well and expanded exponentially upon these foundations.

The biggest and most notable upgrade is to the tag-team system. Previously, players selected two heroes to take into battle, and could swap them in and out on the fly throughout the match. This entry literally went one better by allowing the player to choose three characters at the beginning of a match, and can tag in and tag out their preferred hero at any given point.

Another feature which is included here but was absent in the previous iteration is the Variable Assist option, by which a player can summon into the midst of battle one of their off-screen allies to perform a single attack on the opponent, before jumping off-screen again just as quickly.

The roster here is again impressive, with everyone from Captain America to Thanos included on the Marvel side, with equally as many Capcom characters to choose from.

Fancy pitting Iron Man, Jill Valentine, and Zangief against Chun-Li, Spider-Man, and Akuma?

Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 has your back.

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Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...