10 Greatest Ever Superhero Fighting Games

4. X-Men: Children Of The Atom

XMen Children Of The Atom

For many people, the fact that this game is not number 1 will be decried as sacrilege, and a Brotherhood of Angry Gamers will be hastily convened to make those responsible for this outrage suffer...

Released in different territories at different points throughout the mid-nineties, this title features many of the voice actors from the wildly popular X-Men animated series returning to reprise their characters, tying the two together nicely as one coherent property.

The first Capcom fighting game to make use of Marvel Comics' characters, the game itself - rather unsurprisingly - uses the Street Fighter series as its blueprint, but adds in enough variety to keep it from being a mere clone of the famous franchise.

One of the major additions is the multi-tiered level design, whereby the characters would fall through the floor to a different part of the level/stage by way of a damaged floor. This was new and exciting stuff at the time, and arguably paved the way for the likes of X-Men: Next Dimension's wall smashing and basketball court ruining shenanigans a few years later.

All your favourite mutants are here, and Capcom even included Akuma as a secret character, unlockable via a cheat code - remember those...?

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Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...