10 Greatest Ever Superhero Fighting Games

3. Injustice: Gods Among Us

XMen Children Of The Atom

By taking the best bits from Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe and leaning all the way into DC lore, NetherRealm and Warner Bros. had an instant classic on their hands.

Tricked by the Joker into nuking Metropolis and killing Lois Lane, a distraught Superman makes the fateful decision to murder the clown Prince of Crime. Deciding that he and he alone should have absolute authority over the Earth, Kal-El installs himself at the head of an oppressive regime, and will happily kill all who oppose him.

From a gameplay point of view, Injustice plays almost identically to the Mortal Kombat upon which it was based, minus Fatalities and Brutalities of its parent title. One thing Injustice does have over Mortal Kombat, however, is the DC license and the plethora of heroes and powers which come with it.

By filling the super meter, players can unleash spectacular, over the top, overtly comic book-y moves which never fail to raise a grin.

Whether it's Superman punching somebody out of the Earth's very atmosphere before smashing them back down to the surface, or The Flash running all the way around the planet before punching you square in the face, the super moves are nothing short of amazing.

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Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...