10 Greatest Final Boss Fights In Video Game History

2. Mike Tyson (Mike Tyson's Punch Out)

mike tyson's punch out

I'm just going to come out and say it: to this day I've never beaten Mike Tyson.

A shameful admission? Perhaps, but I'm willing to bet that I'm not alone. This infamous final foe represents the very best in the field of pattern-based boss design. Though it is certainly possible to scout his moves and anticipate when one is about to send you packing, the fact that he executes every punch with the kind of speed that us mere mortals would never be able to match makes your memorization irrelevant if you don't have the skills to effectively dodge his gauntlet of fists.

And I am here to say that I do not possess that particular set of skills. The heavyweight champion of the gaming boxing world was responsible for many a thrown controller back when, and his lightning-fast fists are certainly still fast enough to punish players today.


An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.