10 Greatest Games Consoles You Never Played

7. Apple Bandai Pippin

Developer: Apple Computer Release: 1996 Best Game: Super Marathon The Apple Bandai Pippin was created to be not just a games console, but also a functioning computer with operating system. The Pippin was able to read CD-ROMs and contained hardware that was capable of playing fully 3D games. It also had a wide range of accessories available from launch, such as drawing tablets, wireless controllers and external modems. It was a total failure, with only 42,000 Pippins sold before the line was discontinued. Remarkably, under 100,000 Pippins were ever created, meaning that more accessories were produced than the console itself. The controller was a bit funky, but the hardware was fairly solid and the small library featured great titles like Bungie's Marathon games and Racing Days.
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