10 Greatest Video Game Post-Final Boss Fights

2. Ocelot - Metal Gear Solid 3

metal gear solid 3

A tense pistol duel against a psychotic fanboy, Metal Gear Solid 3's final showdown was a fitting exclamation point to a remarkable game.

After the staggeringly emotional fight against The Boss - former mentor to player character Naked Snake - most gamers were utterly spent. Unfortunately, Snake's plane ride into the sunset is interrupted by Ocelot - a young soldier who becomes obsessed with Snake over the course of the game, and wants nothing more than one last duel with his idol.

After the heartwrenching battle against The Boss, the absolute last thing Snake or the player needs is this little jerk showing up to satisfy his selfish desire for battle. Ocelot showing up in the midst of Snake's grief like a child demanding a sweet at a funeral is a perfect showcase of the former's character, and makes you want put the up-jumped little turd in his place.

Which makes it oh-so-satisfying if you win the duel, and devastating if you lose. You can't actually die - Ocelot cheekily fails to tell you that the duel is being fought with blank rounds - but the indignity of losing to this self-obsessed prick is enough to fuel a replay of the entire game just for another chance to take him down.

(Of course, the fact that MGS 3 is officially the best entry in the series may also have had something to with us jumping straight back in...)


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.