10 Greatest Video Game Voice Actors

5. John DiMaggio (Gears of War)

If you enjoy your animation, there's a good chance that you know the name John DiMaggio, as his name is synonymous with Matt Groening's fantastic sci-fi show Futurama, playing the hilariously arrogant robot Bender. It was enough of a trip when we found out that DiMaggio in fact voiced Wakka in Final Fantasy X, but who'd have thought that he would also go on to voice Marcus Fenix in the hugely popular Gears of War franchise. What these characters make clear is that DiMaggio is great at voicing a rogue; all three of these characters are over-the-top, exaggerated presences in their respective properties, and DiMaggio is talented enough that he can make them all sound so distinctly different. Who the Hell would expect that the high-pitched, giggly Wakka and the gruff, tough Fenix would have the same voice actor? He is a pure example of range, of being able to tailor your voice to fit the requirements of the project, and that is the sign of a brilliant voice actor.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.