10 Greatest Video Game Voice Performances Of All-Time

3. Elizabeth - BioShock Infinite - Voiced By Courtnee Draper Possibly the perfect melding of magnificent voice performance, incredibly natural motion capture and impeccable expressive facial modelling, BioShock Infinite's Elizabeth is very close to character development nirvana. We can be grateful that she made it out of Irrational Games cutting room alive though - one of gaming's most memorable, emotive characters was very nearly canned altogether. Envisioned from the start as more than just a scripted drone à la Call of Duty's tightly leashed AI squad mates, Elizabeth proved tricky to the point that she was considered almost more trouble then she was worth. Thankfully the design team quickly grew attached to the enthralling, complex brunette, given depth and human emotion thanks to an inspired performance from voice actor Courtnee Draper. The BAFTA nominated actress Draper, who's rap sheet is a smorgasbord of relatively insignificant television roles, deserves to be showered with accolades for creating a character so startlingly genuine. Elizabeth is the beating heart of the game, the core of sentiment and sincerity without whom our Columbian cloud city excursion would have been a rather lonesome affair.

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Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.