10 Groundbreaking Video Games That Changed Everything

5. Phantasy Star Online

final fantasy VII sephiroth

Phantasy Star Online – a dungeon crawler, released in 2000 – was a critical and commercial success, representing SEGA’s first foray into online multiplayer, introducing an entire generation of console gamers to the world of online gaming.

In the game, players choose various classes, and are expected to team with players online in order to clear the numerous stages in the game – each of which divided by difficulty, gradually unlocked as the player advances through the game. There’s also a single-player mode in which players interact with non-playable characters, though that option is extremely limited.

Released on Dreamcast, Phantasy Star Online was ground-breaking in numerous ways. The game is credited with evolving the RPG genre, implementing a more mature subject matter, including serious themes, and blending everything together perfectly. Its strategy orientated combat system was also leagues ahead of its contemporaries, establishing a framework for everything which came after.


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.