10 Gutsy Video Games That Tackle Polarising Subject Matter

7. Persona 5

Catherine Full Body Vincent

As one of the best JRPGs in recent memory Persona 5 obviously had to do a lot to cement itself. Behind the addicting game play, deep character work, and excellent soundtrack lies some dark and twisted plot lines.

So when the game opens up with an abusive teacher and his fetishisation of the female students (including a member of the players party), it's a pretty big sign that Persona isn't as quirky and happy as it tries to let on.

By the time the player has finished the first Palace (Persona's version of a dungeon) they will have dealt with issues involving teenage suicide, sexual grooming, and all of the bullying that goes along with it. The whole thing is a realistic approach to some subject matter that belies the happy-go-lucky anime art style and upbeat music.

Persona also brings attention to how - more often than not - the perpetrators of such activities are able to get away with it for so long due to the inefficiency of the other adults involved and their inability to see past the teachers otherwise glowing reputation.

So in the end it's up to a bunch of misfit students to sort things out, as it should always be.

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