10 Most Harrowing Decisions We Made To Progress In Video Games

8. Choosing Sides - XCOM: Enemy Unknown/Within

Fireaxis' squad-tactic-extravaganzas are fantastic forays into stat-management and the myriad of problems you face when in charge of a large number of resources. Struggling to battle the ever-resilient hordes of aliens ramming their way down the throat of your home base, you must divide and conquer amongst the remaining countries of the world, the twist being you only have a limited number of supplies to do so. Should you decide to send a caché of recovered alien weaponry to Asia, it means that when America's request comes in that their surveillance satellite is under attack they instead suffer important losses. Then you have The Council to answer to at the end of each month, piling the pressure on so strong that you might just pop out as a tiny machine-pressed shotgun shell yourself. Add in the various decisions you'll make on the battlefield, including in expansion Enemy Within the sending of a soldier into the experimental limb-hacking chambers to be reassembled as a cyborg, and their subsequent asking of help on the battlefield suddenly becomes your best interest...or does it? You can rarely save them all, but you'll die trying, and love every second of it.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.