10 Hated Video Games That Are AWESOME Now

7. Diablo 3

metal gear solid 2 raiden

You remember at the start I mentioned about hated games being synonymous with always-on games? Well, look no further than Diablo 3 as a prime example of that.

As with any game of this nature, be it this, SimCity 2013, or even the insanely huge Grand Theft Auto Online, there is always going to be problems on launch. Small batch stress tests are never going to compare to the hundreds of thousands of people trying to log on at once.

What also didn't help Diablo 3 was the insipid inclusion of a real-money auction house, invoking a backlash towards "pay to win" mechanics more often seen in mobile gaming (at the time).

Thankfully, that's all been dropped and servers have been tightened, resulting in Diablo 3 being an actually fun game to play. Three years after its release, it had sold some thirty million copies, and that's before it hit the home consoles.

It hit current gen consoles in 2017, with a Nintendo Switch port finally landing in late 2018, proving the demand for the king of dungeon crawlers is still in abundance.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.