10 Haunting Video Game Moments We’ll Never Forget

6. Meeting Pyramid Head (Silent HIll 2)

Considering Pyramid Head is one of the most iconic characters not just in Silent Hill, but in horror games as a whole, it's no surprise that our first real encounter with the creepy creature is highly unsettling, showing the iconic monster forcing himself onto a couple of Silent Hill 2's trademark faceless nurses.

The game's protagonist, James Sunderland, stumbles onto the scene and quickly hides himself away in a closet. We then see Pyramid Head clutching at his famous helmet, seemingly in pain, and James takes his chance to fire a few rounds at the beast and scare him off. After a slow-paced, dread-laden introduction, this brief sequence heightens the tension even further, and plenty of players needed to turn off the console and take a breather after seeing Pyramid Head for the first time.

Hardcore Silent Hill fans and seasoned game critics have repeatedly attempted to analyse and explore exactly what Pyramid Head is supposed to symbolise, but regardless of the true meaning behind the character, he remains an iconic, intimidating presence, and his introductory scene is highly disturbing whatever way you look at it.

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