10 Hidden Video Game Companions You Didn’t Realize Can Be Recruited

4. Donnel - Fire Emblem Awakening

Baldurs gate 3

The Fire Emblem games have a long history of secret companions that can be recruited out of the enemies in the field.

Fire Emblem Awakening does this tradition one better by not only letting you recruit some of your enemies but also a seemingly unimportant NPC that appears as a support troop in one of the early quests in the game.

Donnel is a peasant boy who appears in the quest “Sickle to Sword” to help the Shepards repel an invading bandit force.

The official objective of the mission is to kill the bandits’ leader, but the quest also serves as a secret opportunity for you to recruit Donnel onto your team.

In order to do so, you need to help Donnel prove his worth by helping him kill enough bandits to level up. The task is difficult as Donnel doesn’t have a lot of health and deals little damage, which is why beginner players usually let him die and never realize he is a potential companion.

Those that manage to guide Donnel to victory, however, get a new ally and, more importantly, a new romantic interest to ship your characters with.

Because, let’s be real, the only reason we all play Fire Emblem is to ship characters together.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.