10 Hidden Video Game Companions You Didn’t Realize Can Be Recruited

3. Amelia Earhart - Starfield

Baldurs gate 3

When someone asks you who Amelia Earhart is, there are only two correct responses. One, she was the first female pilot to fly over the Atlantic Ocean, and two, she is one of the companions in Starfield!

Yes, unknown to a lot of Starfield players, the Amelia Earhart, or at least her biological clone, is available as a secret recruit for your captain’s ragtag team of crewmates.

The clone is a part of a side quest called “Operation Starseed,” in which your character visits an entire colony of clones of famous historical figures and helps them decide on how their society should integrate with the rest of the galaxy.

After you complete the mission by siding with any of the three leading factions in the colony and receive your reward, you can come up to Amelia Earhart’s clone and ask her if she would like to join your crew.

The clone will be glad to lend a hand, and just like that, you will have one of the most famous pilots in Earth’s history flying your spaceship!


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.