10 Highest-Rated Video Games On Metacritic - Ranked

3. Super Mario Galaxy 2

super mario galaxy 2

Metacritic Score: 97

Yes, the only thing that could beat a Mario platformer is another Mario platformer, and though Galaxy 2 only refined the original when it came to gameplay, it's a quality of life improvement that means everything plays smoother and more seamless when it comes to firing through those always-alluring mini-planet levels.

Gone are the vast majority of hub areas and in is Yoshi, more power-ups, faster level transitions and a difficulty curve that taps back into the original trilogy of Marios i.e. Having stretches of traversing moving platforms that'll have your expectations for breakfast if you're not careful.

If you want an exemplary 3D platformer it's the first Super Mario Galaxy, but if you want the perfect one with a solid sense of challenge, it's this sequel.

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