10 Hilarious But Utterly Game Breaking Glitches
5. Everyone Is Broken - Rocky
In 2002, Ubisoft released Rocky for the PS2. It was clear the company wanted to honour the memory of Sylvester Stallone's classic film series as they filled the game with tons of content including 30 playable fighters. (You can even play as the Rocky statue!)
After playing the game for a few minutes, it's clear the developers should have focused more on the quality rather than the quantity. Rocky is filled with every type of glitch you can think of. With no warning, the crowd might transform into gigantic pixels, characters can go invisible, or the audio can resemble a wailing cat. Sometimes, the characters will fall through the ring, making it impossible to fight. Occasionally, your character's arms and legs will swap, making it incredibly difficult to throw a punch accurately.
However, the game's most infamous glitch is how the animations regularly mismatch, causing Rocky and Co. to pull faces so terrifying, you'd swear the game was made as a creepypasta. Despite these glaring errors, Rocky received decent reviews, probably because the critics thought the bugs were so hilarious.