10 Hilarious Ways Video Games Punished You For Being A Dick

6. Disappointing Your Entire Team With Animal Abuse - Mass Effect 2: Overlord

Mass Effect 2€™s Overlord DLC made great use of the Hammerhead, a new player-controlled vehicle that was supposed to be an improvement over the original game€™s poorly-received Mako.

The Overlord DLC also introduced space cows into the game €“ charming little animals who wanted nothing more than to live out their useless lives in the country while an inter-galactic war raged all around them. They're just peaceful creatures minding their own business, content with existence in the grand scheme of things. Everything's going well too - until you show up in your space death machine, anyway.

If you€™re so inclined you could shoot and blow those space cows to pieces, but it's an act as heartless as taking candy from a baby, as the Hammerhead€™s VI sighs €œdefenseless herbivores are no match for guided missiles€

Keep causing space genocide when you should, you know, be busy saving the world and the VI will continue to leave passive aggressive messages for you, reminding everyone that the Galactic Humane Society considers animals as people, just to make you feel even guiltier.

What did they ever do to you? You monster.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3