10 Horrifying Hellscapes That Video Game Heroes Call Home

7. The Galaxy - Dead Space series

Bioshock Horror

Dead Space hit at a perfect time in horror-gaming. The two biggest titans of the genre, Resident Evil and Silent Hill were going through somewhat of an identity crisis and veering away from their survival horror roots. Enter Dead Space – a game that puts you through the hell of being aboard a basically dead mining ship with too little resources, hardly any friends and a bucket-load of twisted mutant things with great big blades and glowing yellow spots. Like something from the pages of H.P. Lovecraft, the Necromorphs were out to get you.

As if that weren’t enough, the madness only grew in the sequel where the Necromorph invade The Sprawl; a mega-size space station filled with people. Add to the already pretty substantial monster problem a fanatical religious cult and the slow and insidious development of insanity in the Isaac’s brain and you’re bound to have a bad time.

Dead Space 3 takes you down to Tau Volantis; an ice-covered planet filled, once again, with these twisted abominations. If one thing is clear after playing three Dead Space games, it’s that the future is going to be a pure hell filled with monstrosities, greedy corporate executives and religious fanatics.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.