10 Horrifying Video Game Truths You Never Noticed

1. Ollie Bulb Only Attacks In Self-Defense - Cuphead

Batman Arkham
Studio MDHR

Cuphead revels in the fact that it's one of the most visually stunning video games of the prior generation, its adorable, vintage art style juxtaposed against the fact it's a brutally difficult boss rush platformer.

And while the game's high degree of challenge forces players into a hyper-aggressive mindset, there is actually a secret way to spare one of the game's more timid boss characters.

During the opening battle against the Root Pack, the second of the three enemies is Ollie Bulb, a sentient, cherub-cheeked onion who most players will immediately take to putting a major hurting on.

Except, the game's 1.2 update altered the fight so that Ollie actually has no beef with Cuphead at all and will only attack in self-dense.

And so, if you simply refuse to attack him, he'll smile at you and disappear back into the ground within 10 seconds, with Horace Radiche - who was a concept character that didn't make it into the original launch version of the game - being tagged in as a replacement.

Basically, you probably murdered that adorable onion for no reason at all. How bad do you feel?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.