10 Horror Game Cross-Overs We Want To See

9. Bioshock/LA Noire

Another crossover courtesy of Digital Dame, set in Bioshock€™s world with the gameplay elements of LA Noire would see you question the few remaining €˜sane€™ characters in Rapture because let€™s face it splicers would be too busy trying to take your face off for you to question them, in a hope get the real story of just what happened to Rapture. So I think adding Phelps to the Bioshock world is the only way to make this duo seem like a good fit. Introducing big daddies to the street of LA although entertaining may seem somewhat more out of place than a 1947€™s cop in Bioshock€™s world. I think we could still have Bioshock€™s FPS gameplay in this though. And I don€™t see a reason why Phelps couldn€™t be improved through the use of a plasmid or two, even adding a couple to enhance his detective skills would certainly be cool. As Bioshock is a game of discovery in itself with roaming elements these two titles do seem to have a rather nice fit but there is one point we have to discuss and warning: if you haven€™t played Bioshock yet, firstly, for shame! Secondly there is a major spoiler in that paragraph down there. So Phelps becoming a big daddy, is that a good idea? Or is it simply the worst thing ever? I mean sure we don€™t need a sequel from this meaning Phelps would not require the need to talk all the way through so essentially it can stay true to the original bioshock tale. Although a whole new tale would also be an appealing idea. Games Similar: As usual it€™s a case of playing the originals really. If anyone knows of games similar to these ideas please let us all know in the comments below.

A British games journalist who loves everything gaming and technology. You can find him on Twitter @SuperMassive20 and through his blog.