10 Horror Video Games Dying To Be Remade
8. Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick
It is lamentable that one of horror's best loved franchises has only decent and not excellent games to its name. Though a sequel to the average Hail To The King, this was the better of the two console Evil Dead titles, demonstrating more than enough potential that a good remake could bring to fruition.
Set eleven years after Army of Darkness, this dimension jumping hack-and-slasher had plenty going for it, from interesting levels to Bruce Campbell's always top notch voice acting. The main aspect of A Fistful of Boomstick that recommends it for remake treatment has to be the different eras of the town Dearborn that we play in, from the present day to 1695 to 1863 and finally a hellscape version. Hopping from time to time whilst trying to subdue the deadite menace, boomstick in one hand and a chainsaw for the other hand is just awfully fun at a very basic level.
The problems with A Fistful of Boomstick could easily be remedied with current or next gen power and given a fresh pair of eyes to expand on the time-hopping ideas in the narrative, Evil Dead could finally have a game worthy of its name.