10 Horror Video Games That Let YOU Be The Killer

8. Tecmo's Deception: Invitation To Darkness

Dead By Daylight

Deception is an old PlayStation 1 title that utilises a house of horrors as your main method of gameplay, thriving on atmospheric and moody depictions of a man saved by the devil who now lives in the Castle of the Damned. That's got to be a nifty AirBnB residence, surely?

Well, as neat as it sounds on paper, a good old stay in the Castle of the Damned shouldn't be on the cards any time soon if you rather enjoy the prospects of staying alive. Said mysterious man runs a tight ship, which you discover through playing as him and delivering all sorts of grisly fates to those that wish to step foot in your humble abode.

Through deploying spikes, cages, pit traps, magical claws, bear traps, and all sorts of other horrors, you work through this RPG by deciding who needs a dose of magical pain and who should be let free to tell tale of your demonic prowess. It's a neat little power trip for those into their haunted houses, at the very least.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.