10 Most Hotly Anticipated Video Games Of 2015

6. Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

Hopes are just as high as they are plagued with doubt about EA's new take on the Battlefront franchise. Where once the idea of a developer who could sneeze a few stacks-worth of money would be a good thing, for years now - and especially looking at Battlefield 4 - it looks like that extra moolah goes more into polishing the pixels on the end of a character's nose than it does into optimisation. The Battlefront series has been all about scale, and there's no doubt EA can deliver on the fireworks n' explosions side of things - they're rather like Michael Bay in that regard - instead it's being faithful to the Star Wars mythos and recreating the clash of 'sabers alongside the duck n' cover nature of blaster-duels that's needed. If all players are doing is getting popped from afar with a sniper rifle before even being able to hop in a Snowspeeder and down an AT-AT, it's just going to make for a title that feels more like a Battlefield mod than a whole new game. Here's hoping for the opposite.
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