10 Hotly-Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2017

2. Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077
CD Projekt RED

Remember this little beauty? Cyberpunk 2077 is the next title from The Witcher 3 devs, CD Projekt RED, and will hopefully do for sci-fi what Wild Hunt did for fantasy. Which is to say; introduce us to a world of moral ambiguity, insanely detailed lore, great characters, a gargantuan game length, plenty twists and turns and a core tone that's markedly mature.

Inspired by the 1988 original RPG, Cyberpunk 2013, CD Projekt RED are doing what they did with Andrzej Sapkowski's Witcher novels; utilising a passion for subject matter to expand all the best components into a game of the highest quality. We've know Cyberpunk 2077 was in development for quite some time, with rumours last year indicating it could drop last Christmas, which obviously didn't happen.

Still, 2077 is set in a place called Night City where nobody speaks English, yet you'll have access to all manner of translator chips, alongside augmentations that allow people to feel, hear and see the experiences of other citizens. They've noted the game is "very ambitious" and it will come with a multiplayer element too, though at time of writing I've no idea what that will be.

E3 then, would be the best place to get everybody up to speed.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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