10 Huge Gaming Controversies That Rocked Sony PlayStation

2. God Of War's Sexist Trophy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alkEutGI9sE God of War might have you tearing the heads off soldiers in flurries of ten, ripping the guts out any number of mythical beasts to splay across the walls or pulling the eyeballs out something else with your bare hands - but it's when that violence gets targeted towards women that the internet loses their minds. Somehow the part in God of War 3 where you sacrifice a woman by throwing her into a mechanism to stop some cogs turning went unnoticed, instead it was Ascension's 'Bros Before Hos' Trophy that activated upon beating the tar out of a series of enemy witch-type characters that really got peoples' blood up. Called out by the legendary critic Adam Sessler, he took umbrage with the fact Ascension revelled in the dominative aspect of the scene in question, but specifically as it was compounded through the name of the trophy itself. By cutting to first person and really showing Kratos' hands mangling the woman's face, alongside then finishing her off by dragging an almost-lifeless body across the floor and impaling her on a spike, Sessler mentioned that the 'frat boy' nature of the achievement really made him ashamed to be a gamer, considering what was done to trigger it. https://youtu.be/XjIpPUE8epA?t=410 In the end Sony stepped in and renamed the Trophy 'Bros Before Foes' but the critical damage was done to the franchise, serving only to set people off analysing the many ramifications of GoW's particular portrayal of adult power fantasy, and how that affects the women within in a unanimously negative way.
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