10 Huge Gaming Controversies That Rocked Sony PlayStation

3. The Fat Princess Feminist Debate

Usually, if you're going to include a game as part of your first-party lineup, business-wise you want to make sure it's completely airtight against any potential societal qualms, existing as something that can be shown off to as many potential investors for your system as possible. Enter Fat Princess, a brilliantly charming little title (or the first sign of the apocalypse if you want to get your extremist feminism cap on) where you're tasked with feeding (and protecting) your respective Princess with cake, whilst also attempting to nab the opponents' respective maiden - as their stockpile weighs her down and impedes your progress. You can probably guess what the issue was with this already, but plenty open letters were sent to Sony to discuss what some thought was 'fat shaming', alongside purporting the objectification of women as something to be carried/assisted, or the idea that all they need to exist is cake... and so on. Sony remained unfazed by the comments, but as many social commentary issues just need a spark to blaze white hot for days, the general furore around this seemed to completely kill Fat Princess' wider appeal for those who only caught wind of it through these exaggerated headlines.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.