10 Huge Gaming Controversies That Rocked Sony PlayStation

8. This Horrifying 2007 Advert - 'Bodies'

Remember the mention in the intro of Sony's PR team going a bit nuts with their ad campaigns? Well, this artistic endeavour from one Erik Vervroegen raised every eyebrow on the planet back in 2007, as he purported to try and visualise complete and total sensual pleasure (or something). Admittedly if you can stomach looking at it for longer than a few seconds, the way it brings you in and guides your eye around the frame is pretty incredible - but the gulf in acceptability from the French studio that created it to the Western shores that the PS2 was attempting to sell on was galaxies apart. Understandably this didn't last too long before being shut down amidst seas of negativity and outright disgust, remaining to this day as one of the craziest, "I can't believe it's not Mortal Kombat" ads that was ever officially licensed at a given time.
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