10 HUGE Video Game Secrets You’ll Hate Yourself For Missing

3. Fighting Reptile - Mortal Kombat (1992)

Spider-Man PS1 What If Mode

The original Mortal Kombat was influential for several reasons. Not only did it help define an entire genre and establish one of the best-known franchises of all time, but it was also one of the games responsible for establishing the ESRB in the US thanks to the series’ gruesome violence.

One thing that players may not have known about this classic game was that it is possible to fight Reptile.

The first secret character to appear in a fighting game, Reptile is an amalgamation of Scorpion and Subzero in terms of looks and move set. They'll occasionally appear before fights to challenge players to a duel and offer some clues about how to fight them. Starting this battle, however, requires that players meet an incredibly specific set of requirements that are difficult to pull off.

Firstly, players must be fighting on The Pit stage in single player. When a silhouette is spotted on the moon, they must then achieve a Double Flawless victory without blocking before finally winning the match with the chosen character’s fatality.

Meet these conditions and Reptile will appear, beginning one of the hardest fights in the game.

Although players couldn't play as Reptile, it was nevertheless cool to be able to fight them.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.