10 HUGE Video Game Secrets You’ll Hate Yourself For Missing

2. Two Player Mode - Super Punch-Out!! (1994)

Spider-Man PS1 What If Mode

From Mario Kart to Double Dragon, there were no shortage of excellent two-player games released on Nintendo consoles. One famous Nintendo game from the SNES era that didn’t appear to have a multiplayer mode, however, was 1994 boxing game Super Punch-Out!!

With no obvious option to allow for two players to duke it out in the ring together, the reasonable conclusion to make was that this game was strictly single player.

This was what the gaming community was led to believe for almost three whole decades. This was until one user discovered two secret cheat codes that, when used together, would allow a second player to join the fight.

Holding Y and R while on the title screen using a second controller and pressing A or START on the first controller unlocks a screen where an opponent can be chosen from all the game’s fighters. After selecting a character, hold B and Y on the second controller and press A or START on the first controller to enable a second player to take control of the chosen character.

Even better, this code also works on the SNES app on the Switch and the version included on the SNES mini console, too.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.