10 Huge Video Game Sequel Rumours You Need To Know

5. The Elder Scrolls VI: Argonia

How do you follow up a game like Skyrim, where players are still pumping in hundreds of hours and finding brand new things years after release? You make a better game of course, and that's the challenge for Bethesda, who must redefine open world RPGs once more and raise the bar across the industry all over again. A cache of leaked documents found their way onto the internet (as they do) and they seemed to have originated from Bethesda's offices - they suggest the sixth game will focus on the lizard race of Argonians and can be expected in the early months of 2016. This is the most popular rumour so far, and there's been no confirmation or denial of the leak from Bethesda. A beautiful adventure set in the swampy marshes of Argonia? Prepare yourselves, it'll be amazing.

Journalism graduate and now professional wordsmith, writing about games, film and sport.