10 Huge Video Game Sequel Rumours You Need To Know

6. Red Dead Redemption 2

The story of John Marston was full of beautiful moments: the scenery, the expansive world - and that beautiful journey into Mexico. Every element of the game worked together and created a wonderful experience for fans. But the ending gave them hope that a second one could be in the making and six years later, still nothing. Rockstar loves to tease their fans and when it comes to Red Dead, the audience are lapping up every little nugget of information, pulling it apart and digesting it. There's been no concrete word from the developers on number two, but the clues are there. As part of the company's regular Asked and Answered feature, a spokesperson said in December:
We don't always rush to make sequels, but that does not mean we won't get to them eventually. We have so many games we want to make and the issue is always one of bandwidth and timing. We thank longtime fans such as yourselves as always for your amazing support and please stay tuned in 2015 for announcements of what's to come from Rockstar Games.
It seems like another classic tease; they're answering the question without actually answering it, telling fans to "stay tuned". The industry is pretty much preparing for a second game; it's not so much if as when. So, get ready to jump back on the ol' horse because it's coming - just not quite yet.

Journalism graduate and now professional wordsmith, writing about games, film and sport.