10 Hugely Anticipated Video Game Sequels (That Probably Aren't Happening)

7. Days Gone 2

Doom Eternal

Bend Studio, for a long time, really only had Syphon Filter on their portfolio so for them to design a new franchise for the PlayStation 4 was an intriguing prospect. The end result was Days Gone, a game that firmly split opinion which, funnily enough, is exactly why it fits into this list.

Many of those who played it found it to be an exciting, if flawed, open-world zombie survival adventure. However, ultimately not enough people were sold on the tired premise that it really mattered. Days Gone’s potential as a franchise was ultimately stunted by underwhelming sales.

Outspoken director John Garvin was understandably frustrated with this but went a little too far to blame consumers, saying on a podcast appearance “if you like a game, buy it a full !*$% price”. A recent, subsequently deleted tweet, also put the onus on so-called “woke” reviewers.

In actuality, Days Gone’s fate was a combination of bad marketing from Sony and the concept simply feeling overplayed. Sure, defeating hordes of zombies felt great but the post-apocalyptic zombie shooter was truly exhausted by this point by the TV shows that had inspired Days Gone, not to mention frankly better video games.

Deacon St. John and company, it seems, will not be rising from the dead for another go-around.

In this post: 
Doom Eternal
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The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.