10 Hugely Underrated 2013 Video Games

1. Knack

MetaCritic Score: 55 But nothing was as woefully underrated this year as the PS4's Knack, created by the console's lead architect Mark Cerny himself. I was hesitant after seeing the less than stellar reviews and hearing complaints that the game was too difficult, largely because of some punishing checkpoints, which hurled players back up to 5 minutes at a time. Still, I finally took a chance on the game, and was shocked to find that it's easily one of the best PS4 games to date, and a stellar platformer all in its own right. It's safe to say that Knack is not for the weak of stomach or those who flinch at a challenge. You will die in Knack, and you will die a lot. My playthrough took about 10 hours, and I expect that at least 1/3 of that time was just replaying and replaying to get through those extra difficult sections. Sales wise, the game hilariously managed to outsell Super Mario 3D World in its first week, a game which holds a considerably higher MetaCritic score of 93 to date. Still, Knack is for me the year's ultimate case that the critics can get it wrong. It's not especially complex and the difficulty may annoy some, but if you want a game that'll test your reactions and prove a little more challenging than something like Rayman Legends, it's well worth a go indeed. What are your most underrated games of 2013? Let us know in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.