10 Hugely Underrated 2013 Video Games

9. Remember Me

MetaCritic Score: 65-72 It's depressing to think that this time last year, Remember Me was one of the most anticipated titles of 2013, with many expecting that it and Watch Dogs would be up for Game of the Year awards by year's end. Ironic it is then that Watch Dogs dashed to 2014, and Remember Me was lambasted by a large quarter of critics and gamers. The only question I have is, "Why?". Despite being unfortunately named after a horrific Robert Pattinson film, the game was praised for its inventive visuals and the Memory Remix mechanic, but the story, platforming and action sequences were especially criticised for being generic and buggy. I played through Remember Me in just a few short days, and absolutely fell in love with it. The ambition, and the brilliance of the Memory Remix concept, in which you have to reconstruct a victim's memories in order to manipulate their behaviour accordingly, was ground-breaking to say the least. As for the other criticisms, I can't say I encountered them in my playthrough. Combat in particular was a load of fun, and the feeling of progression as Nilin became more and more of a badass was a joy to behold.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.