10 Hugely Underrated 2013 Video Games

8. Splinter Cell: Blacklist

MetaCritic Score: 75-84 Splinter Cell: Blacklist received broadly positive reviews pretty much on par with the previous game, Conviction, though complaints included the re-casting of Sam Fisher's esteemed voice actor, Michael Ironside (a fair complaint), and the "casualisation" of the series by opening the game up to more players, in allowing them to choose either the action route or the stealth route. In spite of solid reviews, the game did not sell well, and looking at the venom-filled posts on various message boards around the web from Splinter Cell purists, it's easy to see why. But sit down and actually play the game for a few hours. Though there's more choice, you can still play the game however you want, and the original stealth elements don't really suffer just because players aren't boxed into one mode of play anymore. Yes, it sucks that Sam Fisher now sounds like an 18 year old, but the core elements of the game are as slick and entertaining as they have ever been.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.