10 Hugely Underrated 2013 Video Games

4. DmC: Devil May Cry

MetaCritic Score: 85-86 DmC is one of the major tragedies of 2013, because while critics were surprisingly positive in their praise, fans just couldn't seem to get on board with the radical aesthetic shifts that this franchise reboot fielded out. Yes, Dante looks ugly for most of the game, but pretty much everything else in this game is a significant improvement on the rest of the franchise. Still, it didn't seem to matter, as the game sold considerably less than Devil May Cry 4, making it an abject failure and likely ensuring we won't get a new DmC game anytime soon. If you were skeptical, I implore you to pick this game up and actually give it a go, especially as it's available dirt cheap now. The gameplay mechanics are out of this world and the irreverent tone of the story is hugely entertaining. It won't make you think or challenge you too much, but it's the meaning of the phrase "kick ass".

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.